General objective:
- Foster children in care and hand washing to prevent many childhood diseases in the community, caused by bacteria that are generated by manipulating objects (toys, parks, animals, etc.), improving the quality of life.
- Persuading children about diseases that can lead to not caring hands, because to do so could be viewed seriously affected his health.
- Teaching children the steps of hand washing, so your bathroom is adequate.
- Teaching children that now must wash their hands, because it is important to know their welfare before and after which activities are necessary.
It is important that children understand that hand care is vitally important to health because it can prevent many diseases in the community child who is so vulnerable to this problem.
The purpose is to work with about 15 kindergarten children in the neighborhood of Santa Rosa Community led by the mother Elsa Finch, the steps of hand washing, so your bathroom is adequate and that evidence should be washed moments would not make sense wash hands and then dirtying them.
The draft corporate social responsibility Kiiut, is to encourage children in kindergarten "little stars of tomorrow", directed by the mother Elsa Finch Community Montenegro, care and hand washing.
The purpose is to work with fifteen children in the garden, informing them of the importance of prevention of diseases they are more likely to get to be in its experimental stage, so many bacteria are transmitted by the objects they often use or take (toys, earth, animals, among many others).

History of the germ theory of disease
The ancient
historical view was that disease was spontaneously generated instead of being created
by microorganisms that grew playback.1 The Atharva Veda is the first text that
mentions ancient medicine. The text identifies the causes of disease as living
causative agents such as iatudhānia the kimīdi, the krimi and durṇama. The text explains how to kill
them with a variety of herbs to counter the disease (see XIX.34.9).
One of the
earliest western references to this hypothesis appears Terentius of Agriculture
Marcus Varro (published in 36 a.) Where there is a warning about finding a farm
in the vicinity of the marshes:
The Canon of
Medicine (1020), Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) stated that bodily secretion is
contaminated by dirty foreign earthly bodies before being infectado.3 also
discovered the contagious nature of tuberculosis and other infectious diseases,
and introduced quarantine as a way to limit the spread of disease contagiosas.4
When the
bubonic plague of the Black Death arrived in Al-Andalus in the fourteenth
century, Ibn chatima assumed that infectious diseases were caused by
"minute bodies" entering the body and causing disease. Other XIV
century Andalusian physician, Ibn al-Khatib, wrote a treatise called the
Fracastoro proposed in 1546 that epidemic diseases were caused by transferable
entities such as germs can spread the infection by direct or indirect contact
or even without contact over long distances.
The Italian
physician Francesco Redi provided evidence against spontaneous generation. He
devised an experiment in 1668 where he used three pitchers. He put a meatloaf
in each of the three jars. Had one of the open jars, sealed another, and the
last covered with gauze. After a few days, noted that the meatloaf in the open
jar was covered with maggots, and the jar covered with gauze had maggots on the
surface of the gauze. However, the sealed jar had no maggots inside or outside.
He also realized that worms were found only in areas that were accessible by
flies. Therefore concluded that spontaneous generation was not a plausible
were first directly observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who is considered the
father of microbiology.
The Italian
doctor Agostino Bassi is often recognized for exposing the germ theory of
disease for the first time, based on their observations in the deadly epidemic
disease muscardine of silkworms. In 1835 specifically blamed for the deaths of
insects to live and infectious agent that was visible to the naked eye as many
dusty spores, these microscopic fungi Beauveria bassiana were later named in
his honor.
Felipe Ignacio
Semmelweis was a Hungarian obstetrician who worked in the General Hospital of
Vienna in 1847, he observed the spectacular high frequency of deaths from
puerperal fever among women who gave birth in hospital (30%). By contrast, were
relatively safe home delivery. Investigating further, Semmelweis made the
connection between puerperal fever and medical recognition of birthing women by
doctors. He realized that these doctors usually come directly from the
autopsies. Affirming that puerperal fever was contagious and that area of the autopsies was involved in its
development, Semmelweis made doctors wash their hands with water and lime
before examining pregnant women, thereby reducing childbirth mortality to less
than 2% in hospital. However, he and his theories were attacked mercilessly by
most Viennese medical system.
John Snow
contributed to the formation of the germ theory when he located the source of
the outbreak of cholera in 1854 in the London district of Soho. Statistical
analysis of affected cases showed that the outbreak was not consistent with the
theory that was extended miasmatic time. Contrary to the model of infection,
drinking water identified as the cause of disease transmission. He found that
cases occurred in households that obtained their water from the fountain of
Broad Street, which, not coincidentally, was at the center of the outbreak.
Louis Pasteur
demonstrated between 1860 and 1864 that the fermentation and the growth of
microorganisms in nutrient broths not from spontaneous generation. He exposed
freshly boiled broth to air in vessels that contained a filter to prevent all
particles pass into the culture medium: and even without any filter, with air
being admitted through a long and tortuous tube that would not pass dust
particles. Nothing grew in the broths, therefore the living organisms that grew
in such broths came from outside, as spores on dust, rather than being
generated within the broth.
Robert Koch was
the first scientist to devise a series of tests used to verify the germ theory
of disease1. Koch's postulates were first used in 1875 to demonstrate that
anthrax was caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. These postulates are
still used today to help determine whether a new disease discovered is caused
by a microorganism.
Hygiene is the body of knowledge and techniques
applied by individuals to control the factors that exert or may exert harmful
effects on their health. Personal hygiene is the basic concept of cleaning,
cleaning and care of the human body.
To have a life and maintain food hygiene both physical
and mental. The importance of hygiene rests with positive and negative
consequences throughout our lives and beings around us. Laeo body and cleaning
the environment. The public is the one that provides the company or the
government, in addition to these two groups can be classified in other sports
such as health and hygiene.
Its objectives are to improve health, preserve and
prevent diseases or infections.
Hygiene is defined as:
Cleanliness, cleanliness of places or people.
Habits that promote health.
Part of medicine designed to encourage healthy habits
in disease prevention.
Recognition, evaluation and control of those
environmental factors and tensions that arise in the workplace and that can
cause disease, ill health, welfare losses, inconvenience and inefficiency of
workers and citizens.
Personal hygiene is the part of medicine that deals
with the ways in which man should live and how to change them in the sense most
favorable to their development.
History hygiene
The hygiene and care must be started to be a concern
as a matter of state from the Industrial Revolution, which is said to clean up
the factories, from the seventeenth century. In port cities such as Buenos
Aires this collective need arises from the unsanitary conditions of the port,
which abounded rats and all kinds of diseases. From the mid-1850s began to have
weight movement "hygienism", so many influential personalities of
medicine go to politics. An example is Guillermo Rawson, political reach high
places, and Dr. Eduardo Wilde. Both participated actively in the decisions, changes
at health strategies and high participation in Argentine national issues. In
European countries, for example England were similar movements that began with
la epidemiologi, opened by the study of John Snow on cholera and the River
Thames, also in the mid-nineteenth century. In the United States, and in the
first decade of the twentieth century, opens the mental hygiene movement, which
will begin what is later called mental health through the action of Clifford
Beers, who denounced the hygienic conditions of psychiatric hospitals. hygiene
is also very important for all of us
The human body
is quite fascinating. Day by day works tirelessly: digesting food, pumping
blood and oxygen, sending signals from the brain and nerves and causes much
But there is a
group of tiny invaders that can make our bodies sick, these invaders are called
There are
children who believe that germs are bugs, lice or other nasty critters.
Actually, some germs are tiny organisms, or living things, that can cause
disease. Germs are so small and difficult to detect that you can enter into our
body without us noticing. In fact, the seeds are so small that they must use a
microscope to see them. When introduced into our body, we know that us until we
have symptoms that have attacked us.
What kinds of
germs are there?
There are germs
all over the world and in all kinds of places. There are four major types of
germs: bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. They can invade plants, animals
and people, and sometimes we cause disease.
Bacteria are
tiny single-celled creatures that get their nutrients from the environment to
survive. In some cases that environment is the body of a human being. Bacteria
can reproduce outside or inside the body. Some of the bacteria that cause
infections include sore throat (known as tonsillitis or strep throat), ear
infections, pneumonia and dental caries.
But not all
bacteria are bad. Some are good for the body: they help keep the balance. The
"good bacteria" living within our intestines and help us use the
nutrients in the food we eat and produce waste products. We could not make the
most of a healthy meal without the help of these germs so fundamental! Bacteria
are also used by scientists in laboratories to manufacture drugs and vaccines.
Viruses need to
be within living cells to grow and reproduce. Most viruses can not survive for
long if they are not in the interior of a living being, like a plant, animal or
person. The body home to a virus called the guest. When the virus is introduced
into the body of a person inside can proliferate and cause disease. The virus
can cause chickenpox, measles, flu and many other diseases.
Fungi are
multicellular organisms like plants. Unlike other plants, fungi can not make
their own food from the land, water and air. In contrast, feed on plants,
people and animals. I love living in damp and warm and most of them are not
dangerous for healthy people. An example of a problem caused by fungi is
athlete's foot, that itchy rash associated with adolescents and adults that
sometimes develop between the toes.
Protozoa are
single-celled organisms to which love moisture and often spread diseases
through water. Some protozoa cause intestinal infections that present with
diarrhea, nausea and stomach ache
of infections
Symptoms of infection
are the effects and consequences of reactions producing microbes in tissues or
organs affected, and also own organic defense mechanisms activated to fight
Symptoms may be
classified into specific and nonspecific.
They are caused
by the fact that the body is invaded by pathogenic organisms.
Among the
specific symptoms are the following:
Fever: the body
temperature rises to try to destroy pathogens in the heat. It is the principal
and most characteristic sign of the presence of an infection.
- Headache or
- Muscle aches
or myalgia
- Joint pain or
- Loss of
appetite or anorexia.
- Fatigue.
- Sweating.
Specific symptoms
They are specific to each infection, previous
accompany depend on the organs affected by the infectious process. For example,
in the case of respiratory infections appear cough, bronchial secretion, and if
the condition is important, respiratory distress, whether it is a
gastrointestinal infection, diarrhea and vomiting occur.
Most of these
organisms are contagious, meaning that are transmitted directly from a sick
person to a healthy one, or indirectly, through water, food or utensils
Some microbes
is coughing or sneezing, giving rise to the so-called "droplet
infection", others are transmitted by direct contact, for example, saliva
and other animals through food or animal origin, as meat and milk, among
The microbes
require a certain time after entering an organism to multiply in an amount sufficient
to cause symptoms, the time elapsed between the invasion of the organism and
the appearance of symptoms called "incubation period".
Direct contagion
Occurs when the
infectious agent does not need an intermediary element to penetrate another
body. The spread may occur by direct physical contact, through the skin, mucous
membranes or the blood, and causes diseases such as sexually transmitted
diseases, skin infections or hydrophobicity that is caused by scratches,
scratches and bites of animals that have been infected.
Indirect contagion
When involving
a vehicle for transporting infectious microbes distance is considered that the
transmission is indirect. Said carrier or agent transmitter, can be air, which
carries germs in form of droplets or powder. Respiratory diseases, such as
influenza or tuberculosis, is often spread this way.
Hand washing is key to avoid infection
It is one of
the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and protect against many
infectious diseases. The skin is the first line of defense against
microorganisms. In their hands, our main tools are housed (either naturally or
by pollution from other sources) and transmitted countless bacteria that can
cause infections. The hand hygiene is not only a powerful weapon against the
spread of common infections like colds and flu but also acts against other
diarrheal type.
microbes, which can spread in different ways, are especially common in children
who play other dirty hands, surfaces, objects and even food contaminated with
dirt or just play rub a wound. In addition to microbiological contamination,
hands may come into contact with potential toxic substances (traces of cleaning
products, insecticides or chemicals), injurious to health. Children are not
aware of this potential danger, so much so that even reach directly ingest this
possible contamination if they suck hands and fingers. But an adult can also
indirectly by contaminated through contact with food or utensils.
attention in children
Making it a
routine act of washing hands before eating or handling food, and of course,
after calling service, is the best way to teach children hygiene habit that
will protect them throughout their lives. The best way to teach proper hand
washing is to perform this action with an adult, using the following
- Wet hands.
Use warm water preferably.
- Rub hands
vigorously with soap (in pill or liquid) for about 15 seconds. Except in
special cases, you do not use antibacterial soap as any regular soap is
- Ensuring
proper cleaning between fingers, wrists and, importantly, under the nails,
helping a brush.
- Rinse hands
properly under running water, removing soap residue completely.
- Dry hands
thoroughly with a clean towel, paper towels or single-use air dryer.
Wash or disinfect??
The same
happens with other surfaces and items, not the same wash that hand sanitizer.
Domestically, regular soap is usually enough to clean our hands. In
professional fields, especially in developed among risk populations, such as
children or the elderly, you should use special soap with some disinfectant
power. Hospitality is important to separate washing facilities (sinks) to the
sink for this purpose. Both must be equipped with hot and cold water and a
non-powered manual, and the latter equipped with soap dispenser or authorized
disinfectant and hygienic drying system (with disposable wipes container,
rather than hot air dryers cause, besides carrying currents possible dust and
dirt, a dangerous rise in temperature). The sink must be located close to the
handling area for greater accessibility during work.
When to Wash
In the kitchen:
Before eating
and cooking.
handling different food or raw and cooked foods.
After cleaning
or touching or chemical cleaners.
After handling
After going to
the bathroom and, preferably, also before.
After touching
animals and pets.
After visiting
or caring for sick people.
Before and
after wound healing.
After going to
the health center.
After blowing
your nose, coughing or sneezing or runny nose clean a child.
After changing
a diaper or helping a child to wipe after going to the bathroom.
After being in
the garden playing or gardening.
After using
public transport (metro, train, bus) or go to a place of public use (cinema,
shopping center).
When you have
touched doorknobs or handrails of stairs that may be contaminated.
After handling
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948),
In December
1948, the UN General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948), reiterating that the people have
reaffirmed "(...) their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity
and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women , and
have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in
larger freedom ". They reaffirmed their faith to build a world that
guarantees everyone their rights, having been released from "fear and
want". The Declaration enshrines a number of rights of an economic, social
and cultural, including, specifically, the right of everyone to a standard of living
adequate for "her and her family's health.
Article 22 of
the Universal Declaration stipulates that any person "as a member of
society, has the right to social security and realization, through national
effort and international cooperation and in accordance with the organization
and resources of each State, satisfaction of economic, social and cultural
rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his
personality. "
The Universal
Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), taking into account, inter alia,
that the children "by reason of his physical and mental health" needs
special safeguards and care, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed
principles geared to that end, which are protected from various economic,
social and cultural.
• Principle 1
"The child shall enjoy all the rights set forth in this Declaration. These
rights are granted to all children without exception whatsoever and without
distinction or discrimination on account of race, color, sex, language,
religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property,
birth or other status, whether of himself or of his family. "
• Principle 2
"The child shall enjoy special protection, and shall be given
opportunities and facilities, all for the law and by other means, to enable him
to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy
and normal manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity. In the enactment of
laws for this purpose, the paramount consideration shall be a primary interest
of the child ".
• Principle 4:
"The child shall enjoy the benefits of social security. Shall be entitled
to grow and develop in health, for this purpose shall be provided both to him
and to his mother, care, including prenatal and postnatal care. The child shall
enjoy the right to food, housing, recreation and medical services. "
• Principle 7
"The child is entitled to receive education, which shall be free and
compulsory, at least in the elementary stages. You will be given an education
which will promote his general culture and enable him, on a basis of equal
opportunity, to develop his abilities, his individual judgment, and his sense
of moral and social responsibility, and to become a useful member of society.
The child shall have full opportunity for play and recreation, which should be
directed to the same purposes as education; society and the public authorities
shall endeavor to promote the enjoyment of this right. "
Of the Constitution of Colombia (...)
Article 44.
"The fundamental rights of children: the life, physical integrity, health
and social security, a balanced diet, your name and nationality, have a family
and not be separated from it, the care and love, education and culture,
recreation and free expression of opinion. They shall be protected against all
forms of neglect, physical or moral violence, abduction, sale, sexual abuse,
labor or economic exploitation and hazardous work. They will also enjoy the
other rights enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international treaties
ratified by Colombia. The family, society and the state have an obligation to
assist and protect the child to ensure harmonious and integral development and
the full exercise of their rights. Any person may request the competent authority
compliance and punish violators. "Children's rights prevail over the
rights of others.
49. Amended by Legislative Act No 02 of 2009. "The health care and
sanitation utilities are paid by the State. It guarantees everyone access to
health promotion, protection and recovery of health. The State organize, direct
and regulate the delivery of health services to the residents and environmental
sanitation in accordance with the principles of efficiency, universality and
solidarity. Also, establish policies for the provision of health services by
private entities, and to exercise supervision and control. Also, define the
powers of the nation, local authorities and individuals, and determine the
shares of their responsibilities under the terms and conditions outlined in the
law. "
Article 50.
"Every child under one year that is not covered by any protection or
social security, will be entitled to free care in all health institutions that
receive state. The law will regulate the matter. "
SITE HISTORY: Association of community
This association of community homes was founded 15 years ago, in the areas of "Prom three" and "The Citadel Santa Rosa" based on the need for parents about where to leave their children, because no sector no suitable place could be registered order of childcare, it was then that a group of housewives got together and realized that there was a need in the industry, since it had large numbers of children under five years. It was then that in 1996 this group of women decided to move the project to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF), which after a few months decided to adopt. This association of community homes, began working on May 5, 1997, consists of the following preschools: "My first steps", "Dreams of prom three", "Roaring", "mellow Bears", "Rayito is sun "," Pinta dreams "," My tender Dwarfs, "" Little Stars of Tomorrow "," Babydoll "and" Geniuses of Tomorrow ", which work each with approximately fourteen children two to five years, per year. Each of these locations is run by a community mother who have been guided over the years for the proper education of children. On average these households annually from twenty children graduate to enter the primary and basic education are provided with the skills that will be of great help when it comes to access this education
This association of community homes was founded 15 years ago, in the areas of "Prom three" and "The Citadel Santa Rosa" based on the need for parents about where to leave their children, because no sector no suitable place could be registered order of childcare, it was then that a group of housewives got together and realized that there was a need in the industry, since it had large numbers of children under five years. It was then that in 1996 this group of women decided to move the project to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF), which after a few months decided to adopt. This association of community homes, began working on May 5, 1997, consists of the following preschools: "My first steps", "Dreams of prom three", "Roaring", "mellow Bears", "Rayito is sun "," Pinta dreams "," My tender Dwarfs, "" Little Stars of Tomorrow "," Babydoll "and" Geniuses of Tomorrow ", which work each with approximately fourteen children two to five years, per year. Each of these locations is run by a community mother who have been guided over the years for the proper education of children. On average these households annually from twenty children graduate to enter the primary and basic education are provided with the skills that will be of great help when it comes to access this education
(Nathaly Infante, 2012, Proyecto de
responsabilidad social empresarial kiiut)
The methodology of the
company consists kiiut hand washing for prevention of bacterial diseases that
can occur in children welfare association morning where the following
- It will give a talk on the history of hand washing to children, to inform them of how they gave the start of this habit and its importance.
- will be announced steps to be followed for washing hands, this was done so didadtica through games and videos.
- Children give their opinions of what they learned in training activities and research which provided the company kiiut.
- Finally concientizaremos children, the habits they should take with their families about handwashing and prevention of bacterial diseases.
There will be a talk on
the history of washing hands with tomorrow's welfare association.
educational games will
be made to present the steps to take in washing hands.
upgrades on formative
research on the views of children and what they learned in the preventive
activities of bacterial diseases of the hands
Finally give an
awareness and motivation for children to make a habit of washing hands with
their families
The projects of corporate social responsibility kiiut
WASH HANDS was preventing bacterial diseases, this project was conducted with
the children of the association WELFARE OF TOMORROW and began on August 24,
2012 the day began with a talk about the history of the history of hand
washing, where children participated with their questions and concerns, on 24 -
September-2012, the second activity is focused towards achieving educational
games and gave know the steps to take in washing hands. Children interacted
with us. Participating in games, the 30th-September-2012 did formative research
on the views of children and what they learned in preventive activities, each
child tells of the lessons learned from the activities of the 1st- Oct 2012,
finally took place on handwashing concientizándolos each child and encouraging
them to take these activities as dwell in their families. They were given to
understand how they could prevent bacterial diseases that can occur through the
hands, the closure was given to each association a jar with antibacterial gel
to be used daily with children.
The company kiiut thanks to corporate social responsibility project that
quickly in the association of community homes could conclude:
The hand washing is not an option, it is essential to do so and
especially in children who are more likely to be in constant manipulation of
objects, being in its experimental stage
It is vital to learn the steps of handwashing, and this is even easier
if this habit is inculcated from childhood
As talks on the subject were to stop teaching children to participate in
what they had learned so far, much facilitated their learning and interest.
Although the project is guided to washing their hands, the company kiiut
also concerned about the preservation of the environment, so children also
learned to save water and to be a natural resource we preserve
The hand washing is necessary to do the specific moments, such as, after
using the bathroom, before eating, after playing and after being in contact
with someone with flu, as this habit prevents the transmission of bacterial
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